Enneagram Through Sufi 99 Names of Allah
Khaled ElSherbini Ph.D with Samar Y. Al Gamal The law of One of the Enneagram, represented by the circle that contains and encompasses all...

Type One: Austere A Variant of Self-Preservation and Moral Rigidity
Antonio Barbato A weak Zeal does not prevent these individuals from taking action or making sacrifices in pursuit of what they believe is right....

The 108 Subtypes: Variants with Retracted Sexual Instinct
Antonio Barbato The retraction of the Sexual Instinct often creates a tension between the desire for connection, the constraints of social norms, and the...

Importance of working with the Centers:
The Heart Center John Luckovich The Nine types of the Enneagram are derived from nine relationships between the Mind, the Heart, and the Body. We refer to...

The Enneagram and the Triune Brain
Jane Carlton This article links the Enneagram with Paul Maclean’s Triune Brain theory, showing how the three centers and nine types of the Enneagram...

The Panel Method
Introduction- First, let us ask, why use live panels to illustrate the unique aspects of each type and intelligence center? The short answer is...

The Siren’s Song: Navigating Pain and Purpose as an Enneagram Type Four
Homer’s Odyssey is one of the most enduring tales of transformation and perseverance. It recounts the epic journey of Odysseus, the clever and resilient...

Beyond the Wound: Chiron, the Enneagram, and Healing Generational Trauma
We all carry wounds we didn’t choose. Some were handed to us, stitched into the fabric of our lives long before we even took...

Bridging Therapy and Typology: A Review of Personality and Wholeness in Therapy
Personality and Wholeness in Therapy: Integrating 9 Patterns of Developmental Pathways in Clinical Practice by Dr. Daniel Siegel is a long-awaited and much-needed addition to...

The Shadow and the Ally: Balancing the Wings of the Enneagram
The Enneagram, at its best, is not a static diagram or a fixed set of traits; it’s a living, breathing story. It’s a narrative...

The Enneagram: Distorted Self-Images
Tom Condon Beyond our biological need for identity is the desire to know who we are in a deep, personal sense. Each of us...

Honking Horns, Sorting Seeds, and Gathering Wool: Love, Shadow, and the Trials of Relationships
A former co-worker and I found ourselves stuck in a recurring conflict scenario we didn’t quite understand at the time. While the details always...

Trump’s President… Now What? Reflections from the Editor on Where We Go From Here
This week on January 20, many of us tuned in to witness the U.S. presidential inauguration, an event marked by tradition, transition, and, thankfully,...

The Art of Freedom:
Meditation, Self Love and Listening Meditation The most well-known method for illumining the mind is meditation. Though it often takes the form of sitting...

Bringing the Enneagram Symbol to Life: An Interview with Jennifer Joss
Kristina Lor: Thanks for agreeing to this interview, your book The Enneagram Symbol Mapping the Journey of Personal, Social, and Spiritual Evolution, such an important...

Know the Depth of Your Personality
Mark Bodnarczuk We live in the three-pound universe between our ears, but it is shocking how little we actually know about ourselves. As I...