Through Emerald Glasses: An Enneagram Lens on “Wicked”

Wicked is the origin story of the characters in The Wizard of Oz. Originally a novel by Gregory McGuire (1995), this story then was transformed into a Broadway musical, by Stephen Schwartz and Winnie Holzman (2003). In its most recent retelling, the Wicked musical made its big-screen debut featuring popular performers, such as Jeff Goldblum and Ariana Grande.
I have been a fan of the Broadway musical ever since its debut. The lyrics and melody have been etched into my mind and sung from my lungs for the last 20 years. It wasn’t until I saw the movie, however, during the opening weekend that I even considered viewing the characters through the lens of the Enneagram. As my favorite Enneagram Teacher (Chris Heuertz) likes to say, the Enneagram helps us to “excavate our essence.” Join me as we dig into the main characters of Wicked and excavate their essence. If you are unfamiliar with the story, some unintentional spoilers may be in the content below.
Type: Enneagram 1
Wing: 1w9
Instinctual variant (subtype): Sexual
Harmonic Triad: Idealist
Elphaba stands up for what is right. Through her actions, she models the pursuit of goodness. From a young age, she notices what is wrong in her world and works to improve life for all. We see her move into the melancholy and introspection of a Four, during “I’m Not That Girl” and into the spontaneity and optimism of a Seven during “One Short Day”. Elphaba leans into her Nine wing more often than not, as she is reserved and sensitive. Her wisdom and principles combine with the compassion and altruism of a Nine. Additionally, Elphaba tends to withdraw into her visions of how the world could be. This is also part of her harmonic triad, Idealists, people who constantly dream of what could be, and inspire others to action.
Elphaba’s underlying current of sexual or one-to-one instinctual energy allows her One-ness to be shown externally with more ease than a Self-preservation or Social One. This can mirror type Eight’s behaviors of fighting on behalf of the oppressed, which in fact, Elphaba does. The Sexual One is more capable of overtly critiquing others, rather than just managing their inner critic, as happens with the other One subtypes. The movie displays this beautifully during the classroom scene when Dr. Dillamond is victimized and she calls out her classmates for not doing anything to stop it. Moreover, she takes action that results in freeing the oppressed. In that scene, she inspires Fiyero to act similarly. Ones’ convictions often lead them to action that inspires their community to create positive change.
Elphaba’s relationship with anger is interesting. As Ones tend to do, she directs the energy of anger inward and it becomes resentment. The lyrics of “The Wizard and I” insightfully explore this internalized anger:
No Father is not proud of you
No sister acts ashamed
And all of Oz has to love you
When by the Wizard you’re acclaimed
Ones also wrestle with feeling like they need to earn their acceptance and goodness. Elphaba explores this idea in the same song, desiring to prove her worth and for everyone to see that she truly is good, instead of being misunderstood.
Type: Enneagram 2
Wing: 2w3
Instinctual variant (subtype): Social
Harmonic Triad: Relationist
Glinda is very emotionally intelligent and people-focused. A master of managing interpersonal dynamics, when she “helps” others, she is simultaneously elevating herself. We see her self-deceptive pride hidden under helpfulness during “Dancing Through Life,” as she engages Boq. She becomes more nurturing and self-aware, upon befriending Elphaba. Her Three wing is very strong. She is extremely conscious of her appearance and others’ perception of her, which leads her to perform as she thinks she should, when others are around. A 2w3 will immediately jump into helping and charming mode, which makes them very skilled at making themselves likable. The effort and emotional energy Glinda exerts in managing all her relationships and social status lead her to repress her own needs. Consequently, she struggles with boundaries and deep insecurities.
Glinda’s Social subtype really pushes her to stand out in a crowd and have major influence over communities and even systems of authority. This is so evident in how the majority of the student body at Shiz University supports Glinda; cue the lyrics and trending choreography of “What Is This Feeling?” Moreover, at the end of the movie, we get a glimpse into how Glinda may be used to influence the citizens of Oz.
Relationists need friends and community to navigate situations in life. As a Two, Glinda falls into this harmonic triad. She is dependent upon her relationships throughout the entire movie, and often discovers her sense of self only when it is mirrored through another individual. She becomes attached to Fiyero. When that relationship changes, at the train station scene, she questions her sense of self and immediately reacts in a way that changes herself in order to better fit the mold she thinks she needs to fill. Glinda seems fulfilled and secure when her relationships are steady and predictable.
Type: Enneagram 3
Wing: 3w4
Instinctual variant (subtype): Sexual
Harmonic Triad: Pragmatist
Fiyero craves praise, seeks status, and is determined to appear successful; classic type Three tendencies. He has learned to harness the characteristics that others find most attractive, to impress them. We see him in peak performance mode, both when he arrives at Shiz, and during the “Dancing Through Life” library scene. He has the full attention of almost every student, and even the librarian! Threes are excellent at masking and performing, since they learned to do so from a young age, in order to be loved. Even though Fiyero is in the Heart center of intelligence, he is most disconnected from his heart. He does not easily identify with his emotions, and instead over-identifies with his persona. He is completely disarmed when Elphaba sees beyond his mask and affirms his true worthiness. The two are bonded through their efforts to release the caged animal and return it safely to the Enchanted Forest. This is a major turning point for Fiyero. Elphaba calls out his true essence, and in doing so, Fiyero is forever and dramatically changed by being truly known and valued. Being seen allows him to access the higher qualities of a type Six, such as loyalty, a dutiful sense of service to his subjects, and trustworthiness. Being a part of the Pragmatists harmonic triad, a type Three will move through life using strategy that is sensible and practical and simply works.
As a Sexual or One-to-One subtype, Fiyero is a master of persuasion, charisma, and attraction. Most of the students are quite taken with him and literally swoon in his presence. This subtype is committed to helping others appear successful, as it makes them look good as well. Fiyero leans into his Four wing, as he tends to be more elitist, curious, and thoughtful. The 3w4 finds beauty in unique things, hence Fiyero being drawn to Elphaba. Fours are generally very in tune with their feelings, so this combination brings about a tension between the disconnect from heart that a Three experiences, and the inner awareness that a Four evokes. Fiyero wrestles with that tension as he tries to continue his relationship with Glinda, while holding space for the reality of his feelings for Elphaba.
Through the lens of the Enneagram, Wicked becomes more than just a story of misunderstood characters, stereotypes, and shifting allegiances. It transforms into a study of human essence, underlying motivations, and personal growth. Each character’s journey highlights the complexities of their core type, illuminating how their inner struggles shape their outer actions. Elphaba’s unwavering idealism, Glinda’s relational finesse, and Fiyero’s transformation from performance to authenticity, are reflections of our own inner journey as human beings. This timeless tale invites us to excavate our own essence and embrace both shadow and light. It encourages us to ponder whether goodness and wickedness are identities thrust upon us or found innately within.Even in a world of emerald cities, talking goats, and flying monkeys, the core of every story is deeply human.
Izabela Cormier is a Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader, and musical theater kid at heart. She has been a student of the Enneagram for over 10 years and applies it everyday in her spiritual formation ministry at Porch Swing Soul Care. In recent years, the journey of motherhood has added a whole new dimension to enneagram exploration in her personal life. When gifted with free time, Izabela enjoys visiting local, quirky, New Orleans coffee shops and dreaming of ways to make the world a more delightful place.