Tarot, Qabala & the Enneagram
Susan Rhodes This article below is an excerpt from a longer appendix from my forthcoming book, The Fool’s Excellent Adventure, which describes the relationship...
Susan Rhodes This article below is an excerpt from a longer appendix from my forthcoming book, The Fool’s Excellent Adventure, which describes the relationship...
Susan Rhodes This excerpt, chapter 11 of my forthcoming book focuses on the idea that we can link the enneagram with the tarot based...
Jack Labanauskas How many opportunities in life are missed by being in the right place at the wrong time and at the wrong place...
Jack Labanauskas A good, albeit late start for a January and a new year, but this is how it sometimes works out when there...
Jack Labanauskas A famous quote by Thomas Jefferson: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots...
Jack Labanauskas The origins of the Enneagram have always been a bone of contention. Was it really an ancient system, perfectly hidden for many...
Jack Labanauskas Jack Labanauskas: It is with great interest and delight that I read your and Virginia Wiltse’s research on the origins of the...
Working with the Enneagram through Creative Process and Images Susan Dorf Before words, there were images, and in a sense images are our first...