Physics and the Enneagram
An Investigation into Psychology and The Law of Three The Law of Three and classical physics: the Two-Force Hypothesis The currently popular Enneagram of...
An Investigation into Psychology and The Law of Three The Law of Three and classical physics: the Two-Force Hypothesis The currently popular Enneagram of...
It is well known that inside a Cytokine Storm (our immune response overreacting to an infection) communications between cells may be disrupted to a...
This debate carried on for about a year (1996-1997) and is a good historic summary of the commonalities, differences and points of friction between...
Sun Tzu said that to be victorious you have to know your opponent and also yourself. The same can be said when the issue...
First published in 1987 and updated by the author in March 2004. Moore winnows the grain from the chaff in this discriminating examination of...
Accomplishing the Meaning of a Lifetime What is the wisdom of lifetime? It is that we slowly but surely find our true refuge in...
This month, let’s look at some common patterns of Type 7 in relationship. In relationships, Type 7’s are spontaneous, fun-loving, creative, light-hearted, playful and...
Mr. Gurdjieff’s ‘chief characteristic’ and getting your type on the Enneagram. Reading the memoirs of C.S. Nott, Teachings of Gurdjieff: A Pupil’s Journal, I...