Beyond Type: Into the Labyrinth
by John Harper The treasure lies deep in the ocean but if it’s safety you seek, it lies back on the shore. ***** The...
by John Harper The treasure lies deep in the ocean but if it’s safety you seek, it lies back on the shore. ***** The...
by Jerry Solfvin, Ph.D Rosebridge Institute of Integrative Psychology, & Belinda Brent, Ph.D. Institute of Transpersonal Psychology You may have long ago “found yourself”...
Michael Goldberg Originally published in the LA Weekly, November 4-10, 1993; Copyright © 1993 by Michael Goldberg; an excerpt, reprinted with permission. Scene: the...
Don Richard Riso And we are put on earth a little space that we may learn to bear the beams of love. William Blake...
The Enneagram is a self management tool that facilitates each individual’s understanding of their personality by giving them a tool to predict their automatic...
by Andrea Isaacs Many of us who have come across the Enneagram have been seekers and therefore have also come across other systems used...
by Peter J. Winslow Managing Director of Covell Communications, Inc. The temptation to embrace within your portfolio every bit of “information concerning ideas and...
From the book, The Observing Self: Mysticism and Psychotherapy. Copyright © 1982 by Arthur J. Deikman. Reprinted by arrangement with Beacon Press, Boston. All...