November Letter from the Editor: Astrology and Leadership Reflecting on the Interplay of Influence and Environment

Dear Friends of the Monthly,
As we collectively process the outcome of the November 5th American Presidential Election, the wide range of emotions—both in the United States and beyond—reflects the profound impact of such a momentous event. For some, this period brings relief and celebration; for others, it is marked by disappointment and uncertainty. It seems an apt moment to recall Tom Pollack’s wise words: “It’s never as good as it looks and never as bad as it seems.”
With a new administration preparing to take shape, we are presented with an opportunity to reflect, not through a political lens, but through the unique perspective of astrology.
In the spirit of curiosity and openness, we revisit astrological analyses published in Space & Time Part 4 over seven years ago, which examined key aspects of Donald Trump’s natal chart—his Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, as well as their placement in the Nakshatras (lunar mansions). At the time, these insights sparked discussions about how they might influence his leadership style and decision-making.
Today we are publishing “Revisiting Trump’s Astrological Chart: Reflections and Implications.”
Now, with the benefit of hindsight from Trump’s first term and his continued public presence, we delve back into these themes to explore their relevance as he steps into another presidency. While the ultimate outcomes of his leadership will depend on the interplay of countless external forces, this analysis offers a window into the potential dynamics between the individual and the unpredictable environment ahead.
In this updated article, we reprint descriptions of the Nakshatras as they appeared during Trump’s first administration, a period marked by both significant challenges and fierce opposition. From navigating the complexities of governance as a Washington outsider to the polarizing events that shaped his presidency, the lessons of the past offer valuable insights as we look to the future.
We invite you to join us in this exploration, not as a commentary on politics, but as a reflection on the interplay of individual nature, leadership, and the forces that shape our collective journey.
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With curiosity and openness,
The Enneagram Monthly Team