Antonio Barbato The conversations about Instincts, Centers and Subtypes has been going on in the Enneagram Monthly since issue #7 (September 1995). Many opinions...
P.V.R. Narasimha Rao Destiny, as captured by natal horoscope [planetary positions at birth time and location], captures the sum total of one’s actions in...
Jennifer P. Schneider M.D. and Ron Corn A chapter from Understand Yourself, Understand Your Partner: The Essential Enneagram Guide to a Better Relationship. Patricia,...
Michael Damian As consciousness is unchanging, enlightenment is not, strictly speaking, a process of altering, increasing, or expanding consciousness. It is a process of...
Mario Sikora I was intrigued to see Thomas Isham’s response in last month’s Enneagram Monthly to my article, “Science, Spirituality, and the Enneagram,” which...
Clarence Thomson The January articles inquiring whether the Enneagram can embrace science are important both for their contributions and for dealing with an implicit...