Gurdjieff’s Best Kept Secret During George Gurdjieff’s 1928-1932 visit to New York he worked closely with a dedicated group of followers, including Edwin Wolfe,...
Biology, DNA, Sex/Gender, Polarity, Temperament & EnneagramType Genetic predispositions were already formed, way before we were introduced to the enneagram and early life had...
Rafael de J. Henriquez Theran Over the years and with massive use of the Enneagram as a psycho-therapeutic tool, many successful and effective applications...
Wilber’s Nine Levels of Narcissism One of the more interesting parts of Wilber’s discussion in Transformations of Consciousness concerns the nine levels of narcissism....
Questions from various sources about our article about the Polarities of Passion (Enneagram Monthly, June 2011) kept coming in and we selected several to...