Centers of Intelligence History Holy Ideas Passions Understanding the Enneagram Virtues Unlocking the Enneagram Arthur Kranz, MD G. I. Gurdjieff distilled his “science of the harmonious development of man” into a simple formula: “To Know – To Understand... by Arthur Kranz, MD July 6, 2024March 29, 2025
Letters from the Editor Editorial 191, October 2012 Jack Labanauskas We’re back, refreshed and full of new resolutions after our little vacation trip to Yellowstone. I highly recommend not waiting for a... by Jack Labanauskas October 9, 2012November 15, 2023
Letters from the Editor Editorial 189, August 2012 Jack Labanauskas Don Richard Riso’s death on August 30 came as a shock and way too soon — a huge loss for the enneagram... by Jack Labanauskas August 9, 2012November 15, 2023
Workshops and Events The Enneagram as a Living Process: An Enneagram Workshop with Dina Innominato I write a lot of theory articles—even on the “process enneagram”—but this isn’t one of them. It’s about my recent experience as a participant... by Susan Rhodes May 1, 2009September 23, 2023
Personal Growth/Self-Development Let’s Re-contextualize the Enneagram In April 2007, I wrote an EM article discussing the relationship between the personality and process enneagrams.1 One of the things I noticed when... by Susan Rhodes April 1, 2008February 1, 2024