You’re Fat, Your Fault
The game is not fair, but here are the rules. The system gets to pollute and poison the food supply, deprive you of movement...
The game is not fair, but here are the rules. The system gets to pollute and poison the food supply, deprive you of movement...
I’m pleased with the deepening of the discourse about the nature of the Enneagram. Apparently all systems must go through a vetting process on...
What’s the relationship between science and the enneagram? That question has been asked for years by people in the enneagram community. Should we look...
By Susan Rhodes It is generally believed in our culture that there is one basic method of science. This is the method used in...
What’s the relationship between science and the enneagram? That question has been asked for years by people in the enneagram community. Should we look...
By Jerry Wagner First I’d like to thank Susan Rhodes for reading my article on A 3-V Look at the Enneagram: Values, Visions, and...
I like this issue as much as the December one. What a fine way to end a year and start a new one by...
By Susan Rhodes Dear Jerry, What a great title! A 3-V View: Values, Visions & Vulnerabilities, it’s a ‘grabber’ that has both style and...