The Enneagram at Work
By Tom Condon There is an old story about a man who finds a bottle on a beach. He uncorks it and out comes...
By Tom Condon There is an old story about a man who finds a bottle on a beach. He uncorks it and out comes...
Deconstructing the Freudian Enneagram By Susan Rhodes’s In Part I of this article, I addressed a recent argument put forth in the Enneagram Journal...
Wrapping up the year by laying the groundwork for a fruitful and innovative 2009. A little over two years ago we started questioning the...
By Katy Taylor In the Enneagram Monthly over the last year or two, I have been following the exploration of ego vs. Essence, negative...
Between Psychoanalytic Developmental Theory and the Enneagram, or Building Bridges not Demolishing Them: A Reply to Susan Rhodes By Beatrice Chestnut I am writing...
By Jack Labanauskas Peter O’Hanrahan is a seasoned veteran and has been involved since the early days of the enneagram movement. His writings have...
I have sad news to report. On October 31, Theodorre Donson died. Theodorre was a dear friend and along with his wife Kathy Hurley...
A New Theory – Origins of Type & the Nature of Type Motivation Premise 3: Type is positive in nature As an innate and...