The One thing
Chapter 1, excerpted from Archetypes of the Enneagram: Exploring the Life themes of the 27 Subtypes from the Perspective of Soul. — available at...
Chapter 1, excerpted from Archetypes of the Enneagram: Exploring the Life themes of the 27 Subtypes from the Perspective of Soul. — available at...
As with a picture, so too a symbol: it is worth a thousand words. That is, if it is an authentic symbol. The enneagram...
I suppose being a head type involves noodling about this or that and one of my obsessions is understanding what affects us as individuals...
In America we have something called the “Adopt-A-Highway Program” in which an individual or an organization can volunteer to sponsor litter collection on a...
Ginger Lapid-Bogda Jack Labanauskas: I have been looking forward to this conversation after hearing so many positive things about your workshops over the years....
My heart skipped when I read the email confirming my next trip back to prison. I felt triumphant after my first visit, having wrestled...
“Spiritual practices help us move from identifying with the ego to identifying with the soul. Old age does that for you too. It spiritualizes...
A Conceptual Additive to Enneagram Theory When psychologist Donald Hebb was asked: “Which, nature or nurture, contributes most to personality?” his answer was: “Which...