The integral enneagram
A Dharma Oriented Approach –Part 1 Susan Rhodes I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know, the only ones...
A Dharma Oriented Approach –Part 1 Susan Rhodes I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know, the only ones...
Susan Rhodes and Leslie Hershberger At a recent Enneagram-in-Seattle Study Group meeting, we got into a discussion about how to look at levels of...
Diane Fromme When my mother passed away in September of 2010, the last thing on my mind was the fact that I would be...
Jack Labanauskas We’re back, refreshed and full of new resolutions after our little vacation trip to Yellowstone. I highly recommend not waiting for a...
Previous to part 2 here. Jean Honoré Fragonard, The Love Letter, French painting (1770) VII. Rococo architecture seeks to seduce and to provide domestic...
Previous to part 1 here. I appreciated Jack’s last month’s inclusion in the Enneagram Monthly of an article (EM#189pdf starting on page 12) on...
Threes make things happen in this world. They are energetic, goal-driven natural salespeople, adept first of all at selling themselves. When Threes think of...
During her keynote address at the International Enneagram Association conference in Long Beach this summer, zen teacher Cheri Huber talked about simplicity and what...