Moving UP the Levels of Development
Belinda Gore Don Riso and Russ Hudson have taught a model of “Levels of Presence” or “Levels of Functioning” (which they called “Levels of...
Belinda Gore Don Riso and Russ Hudson have taught a model of “Levels of Presence” or “Levels of Functioning” (which they called “Levels of...
Gloria Davenport Understanding and preparation is not only a prerequisite for embarking on most journeys, it is essential in making ourselves ready for change—be...
Susan Rhodes The Arc of the Goal One of the reasons that tarot decks (particularly decks created since about 1900) have 22 Major Keys...
Mary Bast and CJ Fitzsimon The introduction and transformation journey of an Enneagram Four below are from our book Somebody? Nobody? The Enneagram, Mindfulness...
Jack Labanauskas A pet peeve that “haunted” me since first being introduced to the enneagram, was a nagging and seemingly chronic reluctance to fully...
Susan Rhodes The Hero’s Journey on the Enneagram arlier, I discussed the idea of numerologically linking the tarot Keys (on the basis of their...
Thomas Garrett Isham In his “response to my response” (EM January 2015) on the subjects of science, spirituality, and the enneagram, Mario Sikora raised...
Jennifer P. Schneider and Ron Corn A chapter from Understand Yourself, Understand Your Partner: The Essential Enneagram Guide to a Better Relationship. We were...