Origin of Male/Female Personality Traits
Biology, DNA, Sex/Gender, Polarity, Temperament & EnneagramType Genetic predispositions were already formed, way before we were introduced to the enneagram and early life had...
Biology, DNA, Sex/Gender, Polarity, Temperament & EnneagramType Genetic predispositions were already formed, way before we were introduced to the enneagram and early life had...
Frederic and Bernadette Schmitt We present here our latest research on enneagram that we shall call the Integrative Typology Model (ITM). First steps: from...
Tarot and Enneagram Susan Rhodes Leave all dialectic behind and follow the path of the Powers. – René Schwaller The previous chapter explored practical...
Tarot and Enneagram Susan Rhodes Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. – Gautama Buddha Now the model...
Susan Rhodes This article below is an excerpt from a longer appendix from my forthcoming book, The Fool’s Excellent Adventure, which describes the relationship...
Susan Rhodes This excerpt, chapter 11 of my forthcoming book focuses on the idea that we can link the enneagram with the tarot based...
Jack Labanauskas How many opportunities in life are missed by being in the right place at the wrong time and at the wrong place...
Jack Labanauskas A good, albeit late start for a January and a new year, but this is how it sometimes works out when there...