Thoughts from EM Group’s Facebook
Kirby Olson, Frederic Schmitt, Jack Labanauskas & Bernadette Schmitt Short excerpt from a Facebook conversation on the Enneagram Monthly Group [a page we currently...
Kirby Olson, Frederic Schmitt, Jack Labanauskas & Bernadette Schmitt Short excerpt from a Facebook conversation on the Enneagram Monthly Group [a page we currently...
Mary Bast and CJ Fitzsimon The introduction and transformation journey of an Enneagram Four below are from our book Somebody? Nobody? The Enneagram, Mindfulness...
Jennifer P. Schneider M.D. and Ron Corn A chapter from Understand Yourself, Understand Your Partner: The Essential Enneagram Guide to a Better Relationship. In...
Perspectives of a Historian and Philosopher of Science Eric Meyer Ph.D. It seems entirely reasonable to envision a world in which the Enneagram is...
Jerry Wagner It’s always nice to discover that some of your ideas are not totally out in left field, not that there’s anything wrong...
Perspectives of a Clinical Research Scientist I suspect most readers of Enneagram Monthly share a belief that the Enneagram has a lot to offer...
Doug Lynam The energy of money is miraculous. With enough wealth, we can have and do almost anything we desire. A click of a...
Critical voices are associated with what Freud called the Superego, known to the rest of us as conscience. Sometimes in cartoons conscience is portrayed...