Holy Ideas and The Enneagram Revisited
Stephen Hatch, M.A.R. The Enneagram personality typology has exploded in popularity during the past twenty years. I count forty or so different book titles...
Stephen Hatch, M.A.R. The Enneagram personality typology has exploded in popularity during the past twenty years. I count forty or so different book titles...
An Eight male who once tended bar recalled a time when a young patron insisted that he didn’t need to show his identification. “Oh...
“… man brings with him at birth the ground-plan of his nature…” --C. G. Jung Part I: Mis(sub)typing Recently, I had the humbling and...
A Reply to David Hall and Katy Taylor Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)...
This article is part of the “Finding Buried Treasures: Getting Reacquainted with Innovative EM Articles and their Authors” series. Originally published as “Inner Polarities:...
C. Rajan Narayanan 5. Life in Yoga 5-3-1 Approach Life in Yoga Foundation has developed an approach to yoga practice based on these above...
C. Rajan Narayanan Most of the world perceives Yoga as physical exercises done at yoga studios and health clubs with very little awareness that...
A while ago I was talking with someone who was having difficulty setting boundaries and limits with family members. So, I asked them where...