Enneagram type Description
Dr. Bill Gamard The following is an updated version of the descriptions in my Ph.D. dissertation (“Interrater Validity and Reliability of Judgments of Enneagram...
Dr. Bill Gamard The following is an updated version of the descriptions in my Ph.D. dissertation (“Interrater Validity and Reliability of Judgments of Enneagram...
Continued from last issue (#258) [The ongoing comments responding to the EM interview with Oscar Ichazo. This debate was carried on for about a...
• Two clients can be engaging, seductive and flattering towards therapists • They may be attractively dressed and use eye contact to establish a...
Moving from the hard work of self-observation to the compassionate work of self-remembering leads us to the thrilling work of living into the gift...
In relationships Type 1’s value integrity, being thorough, honesty, reliability, accountability, and being an effective couples’ team 1’s are great at coming up with...
The uncritical acceptance of claims from distant “authorized” sources of the Enneagram is simply sloppy thinking. Standing on shaky ground and appealing to authority...
Don’t be miserable Every once in a while I pause to think that I actually know spiritual teachers who think the goal of life,...
I recently completed a therapy case that was a true brain-teaser and heart-twister: a love triangle that had endured for a dozen years. Armed...