A Directional Theory of the Enneagram
Thomas Chou This originally appeared in the Enneagram Monthly, January 2000 issue 57. This version is revised and updated. The Enneagram explains much about...
Thomas Chou This originally appeared in the Enneagram Monthly, January 2000 issue 57. This version is revised and updated. The Enneagram explains much about...
Michael Damian If there is one thing the conditioned mind feels threatened by, it is silence. Silence seems to be an abyss that threatens...
Healing the Original Wound with Psychoanalytic Insight and Mourning A Response to the Work of Antonio Barbato Carl Marsak “If the flesh came into...
The purpose of the book is to help you, too, to explore the ancient wisdom handed down through the Enneagram Symbol, to apply it...
Antonio Barbato This article is a companion piece to the thoughts expressed in a previous article, “Inner Polarities: The Structure of Passion” (Enneagram Monthly,...
Eric R. Meyer Ph.D Enneatype patterns are widely understood as childhood “survival strategies”. While the resulting accounts can sound plausible enough, I will argue...
Have you ever wanted to dive deeper into your own type or a loved one’s type? Sierra Mackenzie’s The Complete Guide to the Enneagram:...
Güclü Ildiz MD The method which was once applied in order for the mentor to know the disciple in the sufi dervish lodges, moved...