Let’s Recontextualize the Enneagram
In April 2007, I wrote an EM article discussing the relationship between the personality and process enneagrams.1 One of the things I noticed when...
In April 2007, I wrote an EM article discussing the relationship between the personality and process enneagrams.1 One of the things I noticed when...
Bernadette Schmitt and Frederic Schmitt, M.D Birth of Venus Sandro Botticelli (1486) Ouranos (a.k.a. Uranus in Greek or Caelus for the Romans) is a...
Arthur Kranz M.D. The Gurdjieff Enneagram is not a static diagram, but one of dynamic change like a clock. The Enneagram symbol generates the...
Claudio Naranjo What these 27 Characters in Search of a Self have in common is the applicability of the enneagram to personality. For those...
The Life and Work of a Self-preservation Seven Tim Vreeland Figure 16: This is the second in a series of four articles describing three...
Jennifer P. Schneider and Ron Corn From Understand Yourself, Understand Your Partner: The Essential Enneagram Guide to a Better Relationship.Available on amazon.com as hard...
Arthur Kranz, MD G. I. Gurdjieff distilled his “science of the harmonious development of man” into a simple formula: “To Know – To Understand...
Douglas and Olivia Rosestone The multi-dimensional nature of the human psyche is very much like a kaleidoscope whose myriad designs continuously shift into intersecting...