enneagram field guide: threes
Carolyn Bartlett Presentation in Therapy • Three clients can be busy workaholics; may readily list all the things they are doing; may speak in...
Carolyn Bartlett Presentation in Therapy • Three clients can be busy workaholics; may readily list all the things they are doing; may speak in...
Susan Rhodes In enneagram circles, there’s a lot of talk about the ego. As of April 2007, the Enneagram Monthly subject index that I...
Indra Rinzler When I was first introduced to the Enneagram of Personality in 1999, I was impressed immediately with how clearly the enneagram system...
Jennifer P. Schneider M.D. and Ron Corn M.S.W. From our reference book, Understand Yourself, Understand Your Partner: The Essential Enneagram Guide to a Better...
The Esoteric Dimension of the Enneagram Carl Marsak In every world a triad shineth, of which the Monad is the ruling principle. –The Chaldean...
Author Scott Allender writes The Enneagram of Emotional Intelligence: A Journey to Personal and Professional Success to help readers “step onto the path of...
Susan Rhodes In the late 1970s, two visionary thinkers, Marshall Landman and Brian Livingston, founded Cascadian Regional Library (CAREL) to draw together community-minded networkers...
Tim Vreeland Why Frank Lloyd Wright? Why Louis I. Kahn? Why Frank O. Gehry? My original plan had been to write an article about...