The Curse of Duality
David Banner “Changes in life are always going to happen; they’re part of the human experience. What we can change, however, is how we...
David Banner “Changes in life are always going to happen; they’re part of the human experience. What we can change, however, is how we...
Gloria Davenport The Collegiate Dictionary basically defines transformation “as change.” It is any state that is the result of changing one’s character, nature, form,...
Kirby Olson, Frederic Schmitt, Jack Labanauskas, Bernadette Schmitt Short excerpt from a Facebook conversation on the Enneagram Monthly Group [a page we currently suspended]...
Thomas Garrett Isham I read with interest Mario Sikora’s article entitled “Science, Spirituality, and the Enneagram” (EM, October 2014). I too wish to address...
Mario Sikora This article originally appeared in “Nine Points Magazine,” the International Enneagram Association’s online publication at www.ninepointsmagazine.org, reprinted with permission. Two recent sessions...
Frederic and Bernadette Schmitt Naranjo was the first to match the personality disorders of DSM IV with Enneagram types (Character and Neurosis), but before...
Susan Rhodes For the past year, I’ve taken something of a writing sabbatical. After publishing three books in five years, I suddenly found myself...
Howard Avruhm Addison Out of the straits I called “YaH”1 Who answered me with spacious freedom divine These words, found in Psalm 118, echo...