Letters Issue 67 December 2000
I was thrilled to read Jane Carlton’s article on the “Enneagram and the Triune Brain” in the October issue. I got the same deeply...
I was thrilled to read Jane Carlton’s article on the “Enneagram and the Triune Brain” in the October issue. I got the same deeply...
What happened? I miss it? Since your April 1999 issue, instituted after your new format in March of that same year, we readers have...
My eyes lit up when I saw the copy of the EM in my mailbox. I live a life of voluntary simplicity and yours...
I would like to respond to the letter from “Laura in Ames” which appeared in David Daniels’column in the July/August issue. I am a...
Enneagram Monthly: Many articles in our pages have elaborated on the countless twists and turns of personality, marveling at or dreading the ego’s ability...
Your June issue was filled with provocative articles. The two on your front-page were especially powerful for me. Bob Tallon and Mario Sikora’s piece...
Enneagram Monthly (Jack Labanauskas and Andrea Isaacs): Enneagram Monthly: During our visit with you this past April, we were impressed with the level of...
Last month’s interview with Jerry Wagner was the best yet. Finally, a leader capable and willing to bring the Enneagram community together has emerged!...