The Quantum EnneagramAn Approach to Using the Enneagram in Business
Mario Sikora and Bob Tallon Critical Issues in Using the Enneagram in Organizations We run into a number of obstacles in our work as...
Mario Sikora and Bob Tallon Critical Issues in Using the Enneagram in Organizations We run into a number of obstacles in our work as...
By Paula Raines There is a new movement quickly gathering a following among psychologists. After spending most of the years since World War II...
By Jean Hurd Wholly unprepared, they embark upon the second half of life. Or are there perhaps colleges for forty-year-olds which prepare them for...
Gloria Davenport This article was originally published (EM May -July 2001, in issues #72 - 74) and at the time was the most comprehensive,...
By Andrea Isaacs Sandra Maitri Andrea Isaacs: I’d like to begin by introducing you to our readers. You’re one of the few people who...
Jack Labanauskas: Most of the interviews we have published have been with authors and teachers in the Enneagram field, and hence, our articles often...
James Fadiman Jack Labanauskas: Most people know you as an author or as the co-founder of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, but I’d like...
Enneagram Monthly: Michael, you’ve been involved with the Enneagram for quite a few years, and authored a highly regarded book on the Enneagram and...