Finding Buried Treasure: Getting Reacquainted with Innovative EM Articles and their Authors continues with a conversation we had a few days ago followed by...
If there is devotion,Then if we mispronounceGod’s Name,He does not mind. If there is no devotion,Then no matter how correctlyAnd how perfectlyWe pronounce God’s...
Self Preservation Eights Strongly focused on physical security; very hard workers. When healthy they are exceptionally self-reliant, independent and responsible. Self-preservation Eights can be...
Getting Reacquainted with Innovative EM Articles and Their Authors The Enneagram Monthly has published 1000+ articles by about 350 authors in 158 issues over...
Sacred Omnipresence, Sacred Expanse, Sacred Resistance In a previous article (EM, Nov. 08), I summarized the Sacred Ideas—the spiritual aspects—of each Enneagram type. In...
Self Preservation Sixes Self-preservation Sixes can be warm and ingratiating; have a graceful, diplomatic sociability. Try to bring out the best in others and...