Centers of Intelligence Relationships Love Triangle in the Heart Triad I recently completed a therapy case that was a true brain-teaser and heart-twister: a love triangle that had endured for a dozen years. Armed... by Mona Coates February 1, 2021October 6, 2023
Arica Institute History Tale of Two Enneagram Branches: Claudio Naranjo’s SAT vs. Oscar Ichzo’s Arica School-part 1 This debate carried on for about a year (1996-1997) and is a good historic summary of the commonalities, differences and points of friction between... by Jack Labanauskas January 1, 2021October 6, 2023
Comparative Systems History The Jesuit Transmission of the Enneagram, Bob Ochs, S.J. My friend and teacher, Father Bob Ochs, S. J. died over two years ago on May 4th, 2018 at the Claude de la Colombiere... by Kenneth Ireland December 1, 2020October 8, 2024
Centers of Intelligence Comparative Systems Evolution’s Best Kept Secret: “The Three, Six, And Nine Triune” Evolution’s Best Kept Secret: “The 3, 6, & 9 Triune” PREFACE For over twenty years the First Analysis Institute of Integrative Studies (FAI) has... by F. Oliver Nicklin October 1, 2020September 12, 2023
History In the Beginning: A Retrospective on the Origins of the Enneagram of Personality In the late sixties, I learned from Claudio Naranjo that a teacher whom he had met would be receiving students. It was one year... by Reza Leah Landman October 1, 2020October 27, 2023
History Latest Research After SAT Beginnings: the Paths travelled Dr. Lindgren, taken in 2020 In the 50 years of active study with many remarkable teachers, I have been offered opportunities to help people... by Aubrey Degnan Lindgren and Ernest Lowe October 1, 2020September 12, 2023
Comparative Systems History Pythagoras, Gurdjieff and the Enneagram The enneagram was introduced to the West by G.I. Gurdjieff in 1916 as a symbol of the harmonic structure and inner dynamic of the... by Lynn Quirolo October 1, 2020September 12, 2023
History Special Issue: SAT Begins, Group One. pt 4 Special Article split into 4 parts. Part 4 of 4. Tantric Gazing and Jesuits As Claudio expands SAT, several students lead groups across the... by Aubrey Degnan Lindgren October 1, 2020September 12, 2023