Antonio Barbato This article is a companion piece to the thoughts expressed in a previous article, “Inner Polarities: The Structure of Passion” (Enneagram Monthly,...
Here is another chapter from our reference book, Understand Yourself, Understand Your Partner: The Essential Enneagram Guide to a Better Relationship. I am ....
Tom Condon Threes make exceptionally good proteges and subsequent mentors to others. As proteges they can identify with a mentor, absorb what the mentor...
New Research shows basic misconceptions in Oscar Ichazo’s teaching Ahmad Isa C. Wagner and Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar I was contacted last December, via email,...
The symbols that were used to transmit ideas belonging to objective knowledge included diagrams of the fundamental laws of the universe and they not...
*Refresh your memory with Part 2 here.* Sum Goddesses, Mark Sumner, Douglas Rosestone, Kirby Olson, Jack Labanauskas, Laleh Bakhtiar, Frederic Schmitt, Betty Rozakis, Bernadette...