Centers of Intelligence Latest Research Understanding the Enneagram Personality, Process and levels of development Part 1 The fixations are all negatives. The worldview I have described is all “positives.” Putting the two sets of terms side by side is mutually... by Susan Rhodes December 1, 2011September 20, 2023
Centers of Intelligence Type 5 Understanding the Enneagram The Dynamic Enneagram: More About Fives While Fives generally lead with their heads, not all are explicitly intellectual. On the streets of Tokyo you can sometimes see a Japanese artisan... by Tom Condon August 21, 2010September 26, 2023
Centers of Intelligence Interviews Latest Research Triads Understanding the Enneagram Conversation with dick wright This Conversation is part of Finding Buried Treasure: Getting Reacquainted with Innovative EM Articles and Their Authors -- a series where we re-visit the... by Dick Wright with Jack Labanauskas January 29, 2010October 18, 2023
Centers of Intelligence Editorial and News Instincts and Subtypes Latest Research Personal Growth/Self-Development Relationships Spirituality Understanding the Enneagram On the nature of enneagram subtypes [Author’s note: I wrote the following article about four years ago as an introduction to the enneagram subtypes. That’s why it’s pretty basic at... by Susan Rhodes October 28, 2009October 18, 2023
Centers of Intelligence Head versus Heart Written by: Michael Hampson People have every right to be suspicious – because there is no explanation. And surely there ought to be –... by Michael Hampson March 5, 2005September 8, 2023
Centers of Intelligence Instincts and Subtypes Misuse of the Enneagram of Personality Written By: Gloria Davenport Like any other system, the Enneagram of Personality can be misused or abused. Too often, when the bias of the... by Gloria Davenport March 1, 2005September 8, 2023
Centers of Intelligence Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Understanding the Enneagram Letters Issue 57 January 2000 The short article, “A Five’s Miscalculation,” by Nancy Anderson, in your last issue moved me to tears. (I’d love to read more by her—can... by Crowdsourced Letter(s) to the Editor January 24, 2000September 26, 2023
Centers of Intelligence Therapy and Counselling Type 5 The Five and the Outward Use of the Mental Center by Fabien and Patricia Chabreuil In our article, “Steps to a Unified Model of the Enneagram” (published in issue #44), we described how each... by Fabien and Patricia Chabreuil January 1, 1999September 8, 2023