Centers of Intelligence Instincts and Subtypes Triads Workshops and Events Conversation about the three centers (part 1) When enneagrammers speak of Three Centers (Triads, Instincts, or by any other name);are they referring to exactly the same thing? Not so, it would... by Frederic Schmitt, Arthur Kranz/Sum Goddesses, Kirby Olson, Jack Labanauskas, Betty Rozakis, Douglas Rosestone, David Graber, Laleh Bakhtiar, Bernadette Schmitt and Mark Sumner May 11, 2024May 30, 2024
Centers of Intelligence Instincts and Subtypes Workshops and Events Conversation about the three centers (part 2) Refresh your memory with Part 1's post here. *Conversations from a the Enneagram Monthly Group on Facebook* Sum Goddesses: Ichazo says he’s a Nine.... by Frederic Schmitt, Arthur Kranz/Sum Goddesses, Kirby Olson, Jack Labanauskas, Betty Rozakis, Douglas Rosestone, David Graber, Laleh Bakhtiar, Bernadette Schmitt and Mark Sumner May 11, 2024May 30, 2024
Centers of Intelligence Fixations History Holy Ideas Passions Understanding the Enneagram Virtues Two alternative Types of Type-Definition (part 1) Enneagram Polarities Nicholas Reitter But the old oracle said, “All things have two handles: beware of the wrong one.” – Emerson1 It is an... by Nicholas Reitter April 10, 2024July 16, 2024
Centers of Intelligence Passions Relationships Spirituality Therapy and Counselling Understanding the Enneagram Nine Types and the Emotional Habits Peter O'Hanrahan It’s time to revise the nine passions or vices which are assigned to the nine enneagram types. Our enneagram shorthand has been... by Peter O'Hanrahan April 8, 2024April 9, 2024
Book Reviews Centers of Intelligence The Elements of the Enneagram Centers of Intelligence The Enneagram is explored through three centers: Body, Heart, and Head. Sometimes these centers, or triads, are called Body/Instinctive, Heart/Feeling, and... by Deborah Threadgill Egerton April 2, 2024April 1, 2024
Centers of Intelligence Relationships Love Triangle in the Heart Triad I recently completed a therapy case that was a true brain-teaser and heart-twister: a love triangle that had endured for a dozen years. Armed... by Mona Coates February 1, 2021October 6, 2023
Centers of Intelligence Comparative Systems Evolution’s Best Kept Secret: “The Three, Six, And Nine Triune” Evolution’s Best Kept Secret: “The 3, 6, & 9 Triune” PREFACE For over twenty years the First Analysis Institute of Integrative Studies (FAI) has... by F. Oliver Nicklin October 1, 2020September 12, 2023
Centers of Intelligence Triads Pulling the Thread: Unraveling triads to reveal object relations patterns I want to acknowledge that in my description and treatment of Object Relations, I am painting both lightly and with broad strokes. My intent... by Adele Ver Steeg September 1, 2020October 18, 2023