Jennifer P. Schneider M.D., and Ron Corn Here is another chapter from Understand Yourself, Understand Your Partner: The Essential Enneagram Guide to a Better...
Gloria Davenport The Collegiate Dictionary basically defines transformation “as change.” It is any state that is the result of changing one’s character, nature, form,...
Kirby Olson, Frederic Schmitt, Jack Labanauskas, Bernadette Schmitt Short excerpt from a Facebook conversation on the Enneagram Monthly Group [a page we currently suspended]...
Frederic and Bernadette Schmitt Naranjo was the first to match the personality disorders of DSM IV with Enneagram types (Character and Neurosis), but before...
Jennifer Schneider M.D. & Ron Corn A chapter from the recently published reference book, Understand Yourself, Understand Your Partner: The Essential Enneagram Guide to...