Dr. Bill Gamard The following is an updated version of the descriptions in my Ph.D. dissertation (“Interrater Validity and Reliability of Judgments of Enneagram...
In relationships Type 1’s value integrity, being thorough, honesty, reliability, accountability, and being an effective couples’ team 1’s are great at coming up with...
This month, let’s look at some common patterns of Type 7 in relationship. In relationships, Type 7’s are spontaneous, fun-loving, creative, light-hearted, playful and...
Mr. Gurdjieff’s ‘chief characteristic’ and getting your type on the Enneagram. Reading the memoirs of C.S. Nott, Teachings of Gurdjieff: A Pupil’s Journal, I...
For me, learning about the Enneagram was an “Aha” experience. Five years later, I clearly recall how, after digesting the introductory chapters in Helen...
Our 4’s are perceptive, compassionate, intuitive, self-aware, emotionally honest, and introspective Potential Relationship Patterns: Over-identification with feelings. For 4’s their emotions bring a sense...