Self Preservation Sixes Self-preservation Sixes can be warm and ingratiating; have a graceful, diplomatic sociability. Try to bring out the best in others and...
Self-Pres with One-to-one The most important issue for this pair is negotiating the intimate relationship. The intensity of the One-to-ones can feel demanding, even...
Subtypes in Relationship : Part 4-7 By Peter O’hanrahan General Tips for All Relationships This is a summary from our 2005 teachers’ conference, collated...
Subtypes — Self-Preservation 4 Self-Preservation Fours are often risk takers.. They take chances to stir up emotional intensity, collect new experiences, play out inner...
By Tom Condon Self Preservation Threes are unusually capable, organized and efficient. Especially good at discovering the best strategy for getting a job done,...
Katherine Chernick Fauvre This article presents some secondary findings in my ongoing quest for information as to how the Enneagram points define themselves by...