Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 255 August 2020 These are strange times. So many issues are teetering on the edge of either changing in favor of or against our expectations and desires.... by Jack Labanauskas August 1, 2020September 14, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 254 June 2020 The world is gripped in an eerie state of uncertainty that affects just about every country. The Covid 19 pandemic in this age of... by Jack Labanauskas June 30, 2020September 14, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 253 May 2020 When I was growing up I had no reason to doubt my parents who described intelligence as the ability to think rationally and eventually... by Jack Labanauskas May 1, 2020September 14, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 252 February 2020 Covid 19 is an invisible virus but certainly puts down a massive footprint world-wide. The effects or rather the extent of its lethality have... by Jack Labanauskas February 1, 2020September 14, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 251 January 2020 In this time of uncertainty with Covid 19 hanging as a viral (or virtual) sword of Damocles over our heads, our attention gravitates toward... by Jack Labanauskas January 1, 2020September 14, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 250 November 2019 In the interest of supporting Frederik Coene’s research initiated after last summer’s IEA conference in Oakland CA (see last issue Research Enneagroup), I am... by Jack Labanauskas November 1, 2019September 14, 2023
Letters from the Editor Editorial 223, January 2016 Jack Labanauskas A good, albeit late start for a January and a new year, but this is how it sometimes works out when there... by Jack Labanauskas January 11, 2016March 11, 2024
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 222, December 2015 Jack Labanauskas A famous quote by Thomas Jefferson: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots... by Jack Labanauskas December 11, 2015March 11, 2024