Community Spotlights Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Letters Issue 25 March 1997 Dear Andrea and Jack, Thanks so much for this month’s interview with Laleh Bakhtiar. I met her at last year’s Sufism Symposium and was... by Crowdsourced Letter(s) to the Editor March 23, 1997October 6, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 25 March 1997 Entering the third year of the EM’s existence with this issue, we remember how we once dreaded the prospect of scrounging for material, once... by Jack Labanauskas & Andrea Isaacs March 23, 1997October 6, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 25 March 1997 Entering the third year of the EM’s existence with this issue, we remember how we once dreaded the prospect of scrounging for material, once... by Jack Labanauskas & Andrea Isaacs March 23, 1997October 6, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Letters Issue 24 February 1997 Dear Enneagram Monthly I am moved to write to you because I had such a pleasant and, for me, unusual experience at the Arica... by Crowdsourced Letter(s) to the Editor February 23, 1997October 6, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 24 February 1997 Laleh Bakhtiar is a member of the same Sufi order that is reputed to have supplied Gurdjieff with his enneagram connection. She lived in... by Jack Labanauskas & Andrea Isaacs February 23, 1997October 18, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Letters Issue 23 January 1997 Dear Jack and Andrea, It is very exciting to read the interviews with Oscar Ichazo in your November and December issues for two reasons.... by Crowdsourced Letter(s) to the Editor January 23, 1997October 6, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 23 January 1997 Here’s another New Year—with promise in the air, and resolutions too. Just think, January 1 is an arbitrary date, chosen centuries ago to represent... by Jack Labanauskas & Andrea Isaacs December 23, 1996October 6, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Letters Issue 22 December 1996 In reply to Raymond Sinclair of Lompoc, CA (Letters to the Editor, Nov ’96): Raymond, you can study this “discrepancy” in the Ouspensky/Gurdjieff literature,... by Crowdsourced Letter(s) to the Editor December 23, 1996October 6, 2023