Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 145 February 2008 What’s the relationship between science and the enneagram? That question has been asked for years by people in the enneagram community. Should we look... by Jack Labanauskas February 1, 2008September 14, 2023
Latest Research Letters from the Editor RSVP Response to Susan Very Peripherally By Jerry Wagner First I’d like to thank Susan Rhodes for reading my article on A 3-V Look at the Enneagram: Values, Visions, and... by Jerry Wagner February 1, 2008September 8, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 144 January 2008 I like this issue as much as the December one. What a fine way to end a year and start a new one by... by Jack Labanauskas January 1, 2008September 14, 2023
Latest Research Letters from the Editor A 3-V View: A Response to Jerry Wagner By Susan Rhodes Dear Jerry, What a great title! A 3-V View: Values, Visions & Vulnerabilities, it’s a ‘grabber’ that has both style and... by Susan Rhodes January 1, 2008September 8, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Editorial 143 December 2007 Merry Christmas and a happy New Year or whatever you are celebrating, if you are celebrating—and if not, why not? Well, another year down... by Jack Labanauskas December 1, 2007September 14, 2023
Community Spotlights Editorial and News Letters from the Editor The Enneagram Monthly – A Status Report By Jack Labanauskas Just the briefest of recaps about EM’s recent history and then on to what has me buzzing with excitement. Over the... by Jack Labanauskas November 1, 2007September 8, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Letters Issue 66 November 2000 What happened? I miss it? Since your April 1999 issue, instituted after your new format in March of that same year, we readers have... by Crowdsourced Letter(s) to the Editor November 25, 2000September 26, 2023
Editorial and News Letters from the Editor Letters Issue 65 October 2000 My eyes lit up when I saw the copy of the EM in my mailbox. I live a life of voluntary simplicity and yours... by Crowdsourced Letter(s) to the Editor October 25, 2000September 26, 2023