Applications Education Personal Growth/Self-Development Spirituality Understanding the Enneagram A Symbol Worth a Thousand Words As with a picture, so too a symbol: it is worth a thousand words. That is, if it is an authentic symbol. The enneagram... by Thomas Isham June 21, 2010September 26, 2023
Personal Growth/Self-Development Spirituality Understanding the Enneagram The Three Domains of the Psyche: Spirit, Ego and Soul “Spiritual practices help us move from identifying with the ego to identifying with the soul. Old age does that for you too. It spiritualizes... by Susan Rhodes May 21, 2010September 26, 2023
Latest Research Spirituality Understanding the Enneagram Archetypes of the Enneagram – part 2 Coming home to ourselves is what we do on the Hero’s Journey, the journey where we set forth into the Great Unknown, experience many... by Susan Rhodes March 1, 2010October 18, 2023
Comparative Systems Spirituality Understanding the Enneagram The Enneagram: A Course in Liberation Among the goods of life, we seek few things more ardently than personal freedom and the power to establish that freedom. Freedom and power:... by Thomas Isham February 23, 2010September 12, 2023
Holy Ideas Spirituality Understanding the Enneagram Virtues Sacred Ideas of Type Nine Sacred Backdrop, Sacred Self-Forgetting, Sacred Bliss Nines are generally the most grounding, peaceful and content of all the Enneagram types. They can merge with... by Stephen Hatch October 28, 2009October 18, 2023
Communication Education Personal Growth/Self-Development Relationships Spirituality Listening from a Type Perspective “The first duty of love is to listen.” -- Paul Tillich Intrapersonal listening is about listening to ourselves. When we learn to listen to... by Barbara Whiteside October 28, 2009October 18, 2023
Education History Spirituality Understanding the Enneagram Untrue to Type: Dionysius and the Repair of Imagination It’s easy to see why the enneagram community was seduced by the dazzling Olympian god Apollo. He’s good looking, sure, so tall and classically... by Michael J. Goldberg October 28, 2009October 18, 2023
Centers of Intelligence Editorial and News Instincts and Subtypes Latest Research Personal Growth/Self-Development Relationships Spirituality Understanding the Enneagram On the nature of enneagram subtypes [Author’s note: I wrote the following article about four years ago as an introduction to the enneagram subtypes. That’s why it’s pretty basic at... by Susan Rhodes October 28, 2009October 18, 2023