Teaching the spirituality of the Enneagram—like the writings of the four authors cited in part 1, (issue #217)—stimulates connections with other spiritual discoveries made...
A Quantitative and Descriptive Study of Distinct and Self-Consistent Attentional Styles and their Relation to the Enneagram Typology *Click here for Personality Patterns: Part...
Michael Damian, As consciousness is unchanging, enlightenment is not, strictly speaking, a process of altering, increasing, or expanding consciousness. It is a process of...
Kirby Olson, Frederic Schmitt, Jack Labanauskas & Bernadette Schmitt Short excerpt from a Facebook conversation on the Enneagram Monthly Group [a page we currently...
Mary Bast and CJ Fitzsimon The introduction and transformation journey of an Enneagram Four below are from our book Somebody? Nobody? The Enneagram, Mindfulness...