Although thousands of organizations worldwide use the Enneagram in a variety of business applications, 72 companies have been using the Enneagram intensively to dramatically...
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors’ salary, title, office location, parking spot, company car, relationship with manager…and so the list can continue. Envy is...
Using the Enneagram as a core HR model within an organization. Much has been written about and researched from consultants’ perspectives in using the...
Impressive. That’s the word that best describes the Business Track of the International Enneagram Association Convention which recently wrapped up at the iconic Palace...
Ginger Lapid-Bogda Jack Labanauskas: I have been looking forward to this conversation after hearing so many positive things about your workshops over the years....
Which Enneagram styles get along best at work? How well do the different Enneagram styles work together? What are the dynamics that predictably arise...