Jack Labanauskas, Sueann McKean, Somik Raha Part 1 of our conversation in last issue ended with Michael describing his switch in appreciation towards the...
Susan Rhodes Several years ago, I wrote an article for the EM, “Positive Psychology and the Enneagram,“*which discussed the new field of positive psychology...
Tom Condon Sixes generally come from childhood backgrounds where there were security vacuums or atmospheres of hierarchy and domination. Most Sixes experience one background...
Tapping Into Wisdom Bypassing Resistances Clare Cherikoff Spellbind and Hoodwink (now bundled together into one kindle book) is a tale that weaves the Enneagram...
Including: Thomas Garrett Isham, Jack Labanauskas, Enneagram Australia, Bernadette Schmitt, Frederic Schmitt, Laleh Bakhtiar There’s so much going on on Facebook that it’s impossible...
Jennifer P. Schneider, M.D. and Ron Corn A chapter from the recently published reference book, Understand Yourself, Understand Your Partner: The Essential Enneagram Guide...