Instincts and Subtypes Type 3 Sexual Three: Gender Image Antonio Barbato In the variants of the types on the right side of the Enneagram, there is a drive towards Expansion in the tendency...
Instincts and Subtypes Type 2 Sexual Two: Seductive Impetuosity Antonio Barbato While corrupting the Sexual Instinct, the passion of Pride implies that others must realize what the person does. It must be clear...
Instincts and Subtypes Type 1 Understanding the Enneagram Sexual One: Zeal Antonio Barbato In this variant, the desire to control the other and all those who are thought to be close and important is as...
Instincts and Subtypes Understanding the Enneagram Variants With A Dominant Sexual Instinct Antonio Barbato The dominance of the Sexual Instinct does not mean that these persons are above all interested in intimate relationships with a single...
Instincts and Subtypes Personal Growth/Self-Development Relationships Understanding the Enneagram Subtypes in Relationship Our primary subtype has a powerful effect on our relationships. We bring all three of our instincts into our relationships, yet one of these...
Book Reviews Publications and Resources Understanding the Enneagram What’s Positive about The Positive Enneagram? A Reply to David Hall and Katy Taylor Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)...
Comparative Systems Personal Growth/Self-Development Spirituality Yoga’s Approach to Universal Balance — Part 2 C. Rajan Narayanan 5. Life in Yoga 5-3-1 Approach Life in Yoga Foundation has developed an approach to yoga practice based on these above...
Applications Biological Markers Comparative Systems Editorial and News History Holy Ideas Personal Growth/Self-Development Spirituality Yoga’s Approach to Universal Balance –part 1 C. Rajan Narayanan Most of the world perceives Yoga as physical exercises done at yoga studios and health clubs with very little awareness that...