Tom Condon There is an organization called The Flat Earth Society whose purpose I used to assume was tongue-in-cheek. Through its literature and websites,...
Jennifer P. Schneider M.D. and Ron Corn M.S.W. Here is another chapter from our reference book, Understand Yourself, Understand Your Partner: The Essential Enneagram...
Tom Condon Intimate Sevens tend to embellish reality with fantasy. Open to new experiences and avid learners, they have rich imaginations and are exceptionally...
Dr. Lilian Atz Nadia Clementi interviewed Dr Liliana Atz about EnneaMediCina, an alternative health discipline that brings together two ancient medical-philosophical systems, the Enneagram...
Frederik Coene With so much gender stereotyping in our Western civilization, the concepts of masculinity and femininity are often used but hardly understood. This...
Jack Labanauskas We live in an age of abundant technology and endless ways to communicate and exchange ideas. That’s wonderful—but, as with all things,...
Jennifer P. Schneider M.D. and Ron Corn M.S.W Here is another chapter from our reference book, Understand Yourself, Understand Your Partner: The Essential Enneagram...