Enneagram Monthly: Many articles in our pages have elaborated on the countless twists and turns of personality, marveling at or dreading the ego’s ability...
Enneagram Monthly (Jack Labanauskas and Andrea Isaacs): Enneagram Monthly: During our visit with you this past April, we were impressed with the level of...
Enneagram Monthly (Jack Labanauskas and Andrea Isaacs): Enneagram Monthly: For the benefit of readers not yet familiar with you, we’d like to recap that...
by Jennifer Schneider, M.D. For me, learning about the Enneagram was an “Aha” experience. Five years later, I clearly recall how, after digesting the...
Enneagram Monthly (Jack Labanauskas and Andrea Isaacs): Enneagram Monthly: Since your approach to working with the Enneagram is different from all of the other...
Enneagram Monthly (Jack Labanauskas and Andrea Isaacs): Enneagram Monthly: Could you tell us something about your background? How did you come to be involved...
Enneagram Monthly (Jack Labanauskas and Andrea Isaacs): Enneagram Monthly: You have a very high reputation in the field of parapsychology. Is this because your...